Category News

Sega Swirl Is Back Online! … Sort of.

  Shuouma has worked his voodoo magic once again! Although this time he hasn’t really brought a game back online, because technically it was never “offline” to begin with, but Sega Swirl is now playable online without having to resort…

World Series Baseball 2K2 Is Back Online!

A mere month after the revival of Ooga Booga, another online multiplayer game has been brought back to life thanks to Shuouma! This time it’s World Series Baseball 2K2. If you’re a fan of “America’s Favorite Pastime”, this is definitely…

Rate Your Shopping Experience!

Have you made a purchase from the Dreamcast Live Shop? If so, were you satisfied with the transaction? Was it the absolute best purchase you’ve ever made in all the time you’ve existed so far? Or maybe it was the…

Play Ooga Booga with the Developers!

  Ever wanted to play a Dreamcast game with the original developers? Well now’s your chance! Visual Concepts has been hooked up with a DreamPi, courtesy of Dreamcast Live, so they can join us playing some Ooga Booga online. Some…

Ooga Booga Is Back Online!

Today is a momentous occasion and one I’ve been waiting for for a long time now! Wait for it…. Ooga Booga has been brought back online thanks to the one and only Shuouma! Speaking as someone who is probably the…

New Sylverant PSO Event: New Year’s Fireworks

BlueCrab has announced a new Sylverant PSO event to celebrate the new year! Here are the details: Event Information:Start Time: December 31, 2017 @ 05:00 UTC (@250)End Time: January 14, 2018 @ 05:00 UTC (@250) Description:No matter how you wish…

New Sylverant PSO Event: Haunting Halloween 2

BlueCrab has just announced a sequel to last year’s Halloween event! Here are the details: Event Information:Start Time: October 25, 2017 @ 00:00 UTC (@41)End Time: November 8, 2017 @ 00:00 UTC (@41) Description:The monsters of Ragol are at it…