Category News

Sega Tetris Is Back Online!

Today I’m thrilled and excited to break the news that another game has been resurrected from the online graveyard thanks to Shuouma! Sega Tetris is now back online! This game was Sega’s own homegrown spin on the classic Tetris formula…

New Sylverant PSO Event: Easter Egg Hunt

BlueCrab has started a new Easter-themed event on Sylverant! Check out the details below. Event Information:Start Time: March 13, 2024 @ 04:00 UTC (@208)End Time: April 8, 2024 @ 04:00 UTC (@208) Description: Hunt on Ragol to find various kinds…

New Daytona USA Server Launched!

A new and improved Daytona USA server from Shuouma has gone live today! The game was originally brought back online last year by Ioncannon but Shu has coded his own version of the server from the ground up which features…

DreamPi 1.9 DLE Released!

A new version of DreamPi DLE has been released! This update includes some new additions and fixes from Shuouma including support for upcoming online games, improved reliability in Daytona USA, and a new update feature. See the full changelog below.…

New Sylverant PSO Event: Harvest Hunt

BlueCrab has started a new event on Sylverant! Check out the details below. Event Information:Start Time: November 13, 2023 @ 05:00 UTC (@250)End Time: December 4, 2022 @ 05:00 UTC (@250) Description: Hunt for the stolen fruits of this year’s…

Floigan Bros. Online Features Restored!

Fans of Sega’s Mario Bros. killer rejoice! The online features for Floigan Bros. Episode 1 are now fully functional again (mostly, but I’ll get to that later) thanks to the efforts of Shuouma! Sadly, the game doesn’t feature any online…

Crazy Taxi 2 Rankings Restored!

The World Rankings feature on the Crazy Taxi 2 website has been officially restored thanks to the awesome work of Xiden over at Dreamcast-Talk! “I’m very happy to announce Crazy Taxi 2 Leaderboards are back online! This has been a…

Daytona USA Is Back Online!

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to make one of these posts but the time has come once again to announce that another Dreamcast game has been brought back online! Thanks to the work of a newcomer to…

DreamPi 1.8 DLE Released!

A new version of DreamPi DLE has been released! This update is mainly in preparation for the upcoming revival of the Capcom KDDI games and Daytona USA and will be required to play these games online once servers for them…