

Master of Dreamcast Live

ChuChu Rocket! Is Back Online!

Exciting news for those of you that play Dreamcast online (which I assume is everyone that visits this site :-D). The very first online Dreamcast game, ChuChu Rocket!, is back online forever!  The official server for the game went offline…

DreamPi v1.4 Now Available

Luke has just released DreamPi version 1.4. This update fixes a bug which prevented DreamPi from working properly on the Raspberry Pi 3 and also includes a few other improvements like more reliable IP address allocation. You can grab the…

The Future of Dreamcast Online?

Some really awesome things have been happening in the world of Dreamcast online lately, including the development of the amazing DreamPi software and Dreamcast Now service from Kazade. This got me thinking of future possibilities. Could the Dreamcast have all…