

Master of Dreamcast Live

Introducing Game Night UK!

Don’t feel like getting up at 3AM in the morning to join Game Night? Well you’re in luck because Dreamcast Live is launching a new weekly event for those of you situated ‘cross the pond! Game Night UK will be…

Interview with DreamPi Creator, Luke Benstead

It’s about time I got around to interviewing this guy! Luke Benstead a.k.a “Kazade” has become somewhat of a household name in the Dreamcast online community. He’s the inventor of the fabulous DreamPi software which enables gamers to play online…

PBA Tour Bowling 2001 Is Back Online!

Does the excitement ever stop?! No it doesn’t! Just a few weeks after reviving The Next Tetris, Jonas has followed up with the resurrection of PBA Tour Bowling 2001’s online mode. This isn’t too surprising since it runs on virtually…

Sonic Adventure’s World Rankings Restored!

Sonic Adventure’s online functionality has been restored thanks to the efforts of Jial, S4pph4rad, and Dan (DR TEAMCAST) of Assembler Games and Dreamcast-Talk.While the game lacked any sort of online multiplayer features, it did have the World Rankings which could…

The Next Tetris: Online Edition Revived!

The man behind the ChuChu Rocket! server resurrection, Jonas Karlsson, is at it again! This time he’s revived the servers for The Next Tetris: Online Edition! It’s unknown when exactly the servers for the game went down but the game…