A new and improved Daytona USA server from Shuouma has gone live today! The game was originally brought back online last year by Ioncannon but Shu has coded his own version of the server from the ground up which features many bug fixes and improvements. The most common issue was the game freezing if you attempted two races in a row, thus requiring you to back out to the server login screen and then log back in after every race. This has been fixed and you can now participate back-to-back races with no issues. In addition, races with 3+ players are now more reliable, especially in combination with the new DreamPi 1.9 DLE update. Shuouma’s servers have always been rock solid in the past and this one is no exception. He’s even made improvements that make it better than the original Sega server, which if you played it back in the day, you’ll know it wasn’t the smoothest online experience. All that being said, your online Daytona experience should now be better than ever!

In addition to the server improvements, the Japanese version of the game is now playable online as well; unfortunately only with a patched version of the game however, so you won’t be able to use an original disc. You can find the patched JP version on the Downloads page. I also need to mention that your account in the Japanese version of game is linked to the Login ID that you set in the Dreamcast web browser configuration, so you’ll need to set this to something unique or you’ll end up sharing an account with everyone that has “dream” set as their ISP username, which is probably just about everyone that uses DreamPi. The game is similar to Gundam in that once online, you can create several usernames that all fall under one account.
As for the US version of the game, to play on the new server, simply re-download the Battle Key from the in-game website.
Important Note: Just like with the previous server, emulators are not supported. You may be able to play with other emulator users but playing with someone on real hardware will cause races to fail.
Huge thanks to Shuouma for yet another awesome contribution to the community!
whenever I login I always notice that the lobbies are empty, is this normal or do I have a config error? Fyi Key file works as expected.
Fantastic news!! Hopefully the Capcom KDDI fighters come online next 🙂
Took me to DreamPipe, always been dodgy for me.. my logins don’t do it and register indeed says I am already
I had the previous key file on other VMU and I connected with it, DreamPipe_Daytona is this the updated server anyway
No, that’s the old server. It should show up as “ShuMania”. Make sure you download the key again and replace the old file.
Oh W0W! Got my DreamPipe logged in still says it’s old server but on connection it’s ShuMania!