It’s time for another giveaway folks! Up for grabs this month is a Japanese copy of Sega Rally 2. You know, the best version with 60fps gameplay and online multiplayer. Japan got all the good stuff didn’t they? Alright, I have a confession to make. I’ve been paid by the Japanese government to give away Japanese Dreamcast games just to rub it in your face that they get they got better versions of games than any other country. They want you to admit that Japan is the best country in the world. Far superior to the country that you currently reside in. That assumes you’re not in Japan, in which case congratulations on being in the world’s best country!
All that aside, regardless of your country preference, you can’t really argue about a free game. If you’d like to enter for a chance to win, simply leave a comment below and make sure you include a valid email address in the “Email” box. Just for fun, let me know what Japanese-exclusive Dreamcast game you wish was released in your country. The winner will be chosen one week from today (September 17th). Good luck!
Update: The winner has been chosen! Congratulations to Christian!
Firepro Wrestling
King of FIghters! Good luck all
Sega Rally 2! Good luck
Fire Pro Wrestling D Also I how can I upload some move I have the F5 move, Booker T’s Spinaroonie and Tajiri tarantula. anyone know how I could upload these?
Frame Gride, gotta love giant fighting mechs.
thx for helping keep the dreamcast alive in 2020 <3
Good luck everyone happy gaming
It would be awesome if Alien Mobile Suit Gundam Federation Vs. Zeon released for the PAL citizens
Definitely would have been awesome to have Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon DX in the U.S. back in the day. Also DDR 2ndMix because DDR is fun and everyone knows it :]
I wish Bomberman Online came out in the UK, not a Japanese game but oh well.
segagaga 100%. its such a fun original idea and im still hoping for a translated release.
I would’ve loved to see Cosmic Smash localized, but I think it has a certain charm going for it being a Japan only release lol
Segagaga, mainly because it’s completely unplayable without a English translation, while you can at least fumble your way through alot of the other ones.
This One! SEGA RALLY 2!
Woo I’ve been wanting to play the sequel!!!!
I wish REZ was released in the U.S., I guess ill just have to settle for the PS2 version.
Free is awsome…Would love to play this with 60fps.
I would’ve loved to have seen all the Sakura Wars games released in the U.S!
I guess I have to go with King of Fighters 2002 since that is the game I’m currently trying to buy on ebay! I’d love to give Sega Rally a try though!
Good luck everyone with this. For me, it would have to be Segagaga, but that’s just a personal preference
It would truly would have to be Zusar Vasar, not only is this such a unique racing game, but if it had an online racing mode, just imagine the endless fun that could’ve been had. Well, once again, best of luck to everybody, and please stay safe.
I been wanting to play Sega Rally! I wish Sega would have left the fixed camera angles on the US port of Blue Stinger that the Japanese version had.
Woohoo for possible free video games!
Good Luck Everyone =3