Shuouma has launched an updated version of the Monaco Grand Prix Online server which adds Classification (rankings) in addition to several bug fixes and improvements. Here’s the full list of changes:
- Host Switching – If the host quits or gets disconnected, another player will be chosen as host and the game will continue.
- Classification – The in-game rankings now work. Classification only for now. Hall of Fame is still being worked on.
- Championship Points – Points from Championship races will now be recorded.
- Record Database – Lap and track records will be recorded to a database from now on. These records will show up in the Hall of Fame once implemented.
- Player Timeout Removed – Players will no longer be kicked if the server doesn’t received a keepalive after a certain amount of time. This is to prevent players with higher latency from getting disconnected.
- Server Time Handling Change – Different servertime-handling with milliseconds (this is good, that is all you need to know).
- Login Bug Fix – Improved handling of login to prevent players with higher latency from having to log in twice.
Nice and welcome.