Get ready race fans! It’s time for another giveaway and this time it’s for a copy of DAYTONAAAAAAA!!! USA…. errrr…. Daytona USA. Sorry. *ahem* I don’t think there’s much of a reason to go into detail on what this game is. I’m sure most of you are familiar with it, unless you’ve been living under a rock on Ragol. Undoubtedly a lot of you are clamoring for some online multiplayer action with this one. Hopefully one day that’ll be possible once again, but for now, you can at least own a copy and be ready for when that day comes.
If you’d like to enter for a chance to win, simply leave a comment below and make sure you include a valid email address in the “Email” box. Just for fun, let me know what racing games from other consoles you wish were ported to the Dreamcast. The winner will be chosen one week from today (May 17th). Good luck!
Update: The winner has been chosen! Congratulations to Mikko Hänninen!
Dreamcast really missed out on some great racing games. A game like Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions on Dreamcast would have been fun.
I would have loved a clone of Driver on Dreamcast
Hard Drivin’
I think The Simpsons Hit & Run should be ported to Dreamcast.
Well vice city would have been awesome
I really wish the original Daytona USA on Saturn could have been an unlockable in this game.
I really wish we got a port of Super Hang On to Dreamcast. Would’ve been pretty fun.
Would’ve loved to have seen Need for Speed II ported to the Dreamcast.
Glad I finally made a giveaway. I really wish there was an arcade port of Outrun on Dreamcast.
I wish Road Rash was ported to Dreamcast
Daytona USA 2 should’ve been ported if possible, but it is what it is
daytonaaa that game is fun besides crazy taxi i also played
Daytona 98′ wouldve been awesome on the dreamcast.
Rad Racer
I know it’s a couple of years late, but Outrun 2 would have been amazing on Dreamcast. More realistically I would have liked to see Twisted Metal 2.
Omg finally a giveaway I’m NOT late to
Not technically a racer but Cel Damage wouldve been pretty killer on DC.
Always wanted this one.
Would have been cool to see SCUD race on DC. Even if it wasn’t a console game.
I wonder if it’s possible to port tux racer…
I wish there was a port of srb2kart for dreamcast with the online multiplayer.
CTR for sure!
We played the hell out of that back in the day at the arcades. Good memories!
Good luck everyone! I would like to see a more expanded version of Sonic R for DC. That game has potential!
We should have definitely have got Daytona USA 2 for the Dreamcast or literally and home console, I’m STILL waiting.
If Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 or Nascar Thunder 02 were on the dreamcast, it’d blow out every other consoles racing library. Dreamcast had many cool, unique, exclusive racing games geared more towards fun rather than simulating the real experience.
I wanna win it
hey lois, this is even better than that comment i read on da world wide web. hehehehe
I’d of liked to see Crusin’ USA ported to DC!
Tokyo Extreme Racer is already my favourite racing game but if I had to pick a port maybe Burnout
Road Rash should have been modernized and ported to the Dreamcast. Same with Alex Kidd, Ristar, Vectorman, and every other property in the Sega vaults inexplicably lost to time despite being solid gold 🙂
Man, there are so many racing games I wish were ported to the Dreamcast- the Need for Speed games, Sega Super GT, Daytona 2… the Dreamcast really missed out on some great games.
I wish that CTR was on dreamcast.
Cool. Was need for speed ported to Dreamcast? If so I should probably get that.