Yet another giveaway has arrived folks! This time I’ll be giving away a custom-designed Phantasy Star Online t-shirt! The artwork was designed by a wonderfully talented artist and depicts a team of four courageous heroes and the evil Dark Falz on a backdrop depicting the four different areas in the game. It’s a fantastic shirt if I do say so myself and it’s the perfect shirt to wear during your PSO play sessions! You know what’s even better than a fantastic shirt though? A fantastic shirt that’s absolutely free of charge!
If you’d like to enter for a chance to win, simply leave a comment below and make sure you include a valid email address in the “Email” box. Just for fun, let me know what your favorite boss in PSO is. The winner will be chosen one week from today (July 17th). Good luck!
Just a quick note: the shirt is available in a variety of colors and sizes and will be shipped directly to your from Spreadshirt if you’re lucky enough to win.
Update: The winner has been chosen! Congratulations to DomoDomo!
This is my first time commenting. Also does anyone ever play quake 3 arena. Want to play real people so bad.
fond memories of PSO back in the day!
My favorite boss was the mines boss even though he was a fairly easy boss. PSO is the best game ever!
Defeating falz for the first time on hard or higher definitely unrivaled
The Caves’ De Rol Le with it’s arranged PSIV theme, is the most memorable to me.
The shirt looks awesome ! I like all the bosses but if I had to choose I’ll pick the red dragon.
absolutely an amazing shirt, I haven’t made it too far into PSO personally but the common answer is the first dragon boss fight, absolutely amazing
The Dreamcast was the highlight of my gaming life, and PSO was so much fun.
the red dragon at the start blew my mind back in the day. still enjoy playing it now.
The first red dragon boss. I thought it was incredible as a kid. I’m getting nostalgic just thinking about it.
Vol Opt was my favorite boss fight.
I don’t think anything beats the experience of getting to the dragon boss for the first time, so I’ll go with that as favorite boss.
Dark Falz is always a good time.
This shirt design is awesome! Honestly my favorite boss is Falz because it’s always fun online. Especially if you’re lucky enough to play with someone that’s new to the game.
PSO was a great game. I remember playing online with some PR guys for months back in the day. Good times!
De Rol Le
Love PSO. Timeless classic that seemingly gets better over the years.
ein sehr schönes
Got hooked on PSO with the original release on Dreamcast and still play it regularly. I love all of the bosses, but I’ll never forget how tense it was fighting De Rol Le alongside 3 friends for the first time. Pretty sure we were all under-leveled but we made it happen. Still one of my favorite gaming memories.
Ill be honest I’m just now getting into PSO in my later years of life and missed it originally on Dreamcast but Dark Falz is the coolest thing on the planet.