Today I’m thrilled to announce the launch of the Dreamcast-browser-friendly version of Dreamcast Live! While technically the main site did work fine on Dreamcast browsers, it didn’t look all that great. In addition, big companies like Google are really pushing sites to be SSL secured now which is something Dreamcast browsers don’t support; so in order to keep Dreamcast compatibility, I needed to remove the SSL certificate, resulting in warning screens for anyone that visited on a modern browser. All-in-all, a Dreamcast-friendly version of the site was a good idea and I’m quite happy with the result. While it’s not going to feature all the content of the main site, it will have the DLC archive, the game schedule, downloads (currently just the Maximum Pool save file), and a “Cool Links” page which includes a list of cool and interesting websites that work on PlanetWeb or your regional-equivalent browser. I plan to add more content in the future but for now, the basic groundwork is laid out.
If you’d like to check out the site, simply navigate to dc.dreamcastlive.net using your Dreamcast web browser. Happy browsing!
Update (5/4/2019): Just added a Guestbook page! Be sure to leave a comment when you stop by!
Cool! I’ll be sure to try it out