Do you like covering your upper-half with stylish fabric? If you answered yes then this giveaway is for you! This month I’ll be giving away a genuine reproduction SegaNet “Opponents Are Everywhere” t-shirt! It’s modeled after an official shirt that Sega made back in the 1999-2001 era. I’m not really sure of the history behind the shirt and how you actually acquired one back in the day but it was indeed a thing. The original is likely quite rare too as I’ve only ever seen one pop up on eBay. But who needs a rare original when you can have an almost-as-good copy? And for free to boot! Can’t beat that!
Normally these giveaways would just require you to post a comment but we’re going to do things a bit differently this time around. Fear not, it’s nothing too difficulty but will require a tiny bit more work than just leaving a simple comment. *waits for half the people reading this article to leave* ….
Now that the lazy ones are gone, here’s what ya gotta do. Simply head to the games page, click the link leading to the page for one of your favorite online Dreamcast games, and leave a review. Simple as that! Just be sure to leave a valid email address in the appropriate box so I know how to contact you if you should be lucky enough to win. I also require that you put at least a modest amount of effort into the review as well. Reviews such as “Great game!” or “Cool” will not be counted. You don’t have to write a Pulitzer Prize winner but a minimum of a couple sentences should suffice.
The winner will be chosen one week from today (August 17th). Good luck!
P.S. If you don’t win or are too lazy to leave a review, you can still purchase a SegaNet shirt from my Spreadshirt shop here if you absolutely must have one. 😉
Update: The winner has been chosen! Congratulations to Jarrod!
just wrote a review for ncaa2k2 and it said submitted, but i’m not seeing the review
I have to approve the reviews first. Just approved yours.
Im new, how do I enter?
Nice shirt!
difficulty typo L0L! I are afraid I mustn’t not participate.. size please I’m such much chunky for this tee
The shirts are made to order so you can get whatever size you like. 🙂
New comer. I can’t really do much more than simple so count me out. I’ve been trying my best to review each game I’ve had online experience with, I love what you are doing and am doing my best to spread the word of the dreamcast is back online and history about the dreamcast aswell as sega. I do live in new zealand though so its a bit more of a challenge haha but anyway keep up the good work, your a legend. PCwizard
The reviews look good enough to me. You’re in! 🙂