It’s finally here folks! The biggest giveaway I’ve ever done! Yes, you read that title correctly, I’m giving away one of the rarest Dreamcast peripherals in existence, the broadband adapter! I’ll give you a second to check the date and make sure it’s not April 1st……. See, it’s the 10th. Totally not a joke! If you win, you’ll be taking your online gaming experience to the next level with blazing fast 100Mbps speeds! Your opponents in Quake III Arena won’t even see what fragged ’em! While the broadband adapter isn’t supported by many games due to its late release, you’ll still be able to get online with PSO, Quake III Arena, Toy Racer, and POD SpeedZone. Hopefully in the future the other BBA-supporting games (Bomberman Online, Outtrigger, Propeller Arena, and Unreal Tournament) will be resurrected. But heck, for the price of TOTALLY FREE, you really can’t complain right? 😉
Typically I’d just have people leave a comment for a chance to win but considering this is a much more valuable prize than usual, I’m going with a more sophisticated method. Check out the Gleam widget below for all the details on how to enter. Good luck!
amazing prize!