BlueCrab has started a new Sylverant PSO event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the game’s release in Japan! Check out the details below.
Event Information:
Start Time: December 21, 2020 @ 22:00 UTC (@958)
End Time: January 18, 2021 @ 22:00 UTC (@958)
20 years ago, on December 21, 2000, Sonic Team and SEGA released Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast in Japan — truly bringing to a start the world of online RPGs on video game consoles. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the game that has kept us all enthralled for all this time, go out and rid Ragol (and/or some simulations) of the enemies that prowl.
This event is open to all versions of the game currently supported on Sylverant.
System Description:
This event combines various event mechanisms that have been used in previous events. Each enemy you kill (or help with killing) and each box you break will have a chance to drop tokens that you can use to trade in after the event for various in-game prizes. There are global counters for various in-game events that will be used as goals to provide bonuses to the token drop rates. In addition, there will be a leaderboard for the event based on collecting Battle Points (BP). Your BP will be tallied up silently as you progress through the game. BP will not be used for trading for prizes — it will only be used to determine the leaderboard statics.
(Not So) Fine Print:
- This event, like previous events, requires you to have enabled /trackkill on your account while logged in (with /login or /tlogin). It is only open to those with a registered account on the Sylverant website that have registered their serial number and access key on the site.
- This event tracks various statistics during your gameplay, including the number of enemies you have killed. Also, kills and various other events that happen in game may reward you with tokens. As with previous event tokens, these tokens will be used to trade for various in-game prizes after the event has ended.
- The /trackkill command must be run on each registered guild card in your account in order to make progress on that guild card.
- If you used the /trackkill command in the earlier events, unless you have since disabled it, you will be able to earn tokens and track your statistics.
- Cheating of any kind (be it by way of using a cheat device such as a CodeBreaker or by abusing game bugs) is not permitted! Anyone caught cheating in any way is subject to being banned from the server. This event is meant to be fun for everyone, not for a small group of cheaters to run away with it! There have been people disqualified in previous events — don’t become the next one to be disqualified for cheating!
- Statistics are tracked across all ships in the server.
- You may use the /tokens command on a ship to see your current totals of the various tokens.
- You may use the /showbp command on a ship to see your current BP total.
- The /goal command will display the current global kill count and what the next goal is for a token drop rate increase. This data will only update when you switch floors or join/leave a team.
- Token drop rates may be adjusted as the event goes on. Also, there may be various announced and unannounced incentives for playing at different times during the event period.
- Logging on with multiple clients at the same time to try to increase your token drop rate or kill counter will be severely penalized.
Be sure to check out the Sylverant website to see how you rank.
Via Sylverant
Always and forever!
PSO will live on.
Hello everyone! This is the first event that I participate. With this, a doubt arose. How will I get to receive an award for the event? How do I exchange these tokens that I’ve been receiving in the game?