A very common problem these days is VMU storage. Chances are that you have quite a few of these so-called “Visual Memory Units” lying around with no proper place to store them. It is quite the conundrum isn’t it? Well fear not! I’m here today to provide you with a solution! And a free one at that! Yes indeed, this month’s prize is a 3D-printed VMU holder! This fantastic little plastic box-like thing, designed by yours truly, is the solution to all your VMU storage problems! It holds up to 10 VMUs and/or memory cards and allows you to organize them in any fashion you like. It also looks great; especially with an assortment of colored VMUs!
If you’d like to enter for a chance to win, simply leave a comment below and make sure you include a valid email address in the “Email Id” box. Just for fun, let me know how many VMUs you currently own. The winner will be chosen one week from today (December 17th). Good luck!
Update: The winner has been chosen! Congratulations to Michael!